Burmese By Ear/Essential Myanmar Introduction to the Burmese Language John Okell

2.3. Where, here and there.

2. lesson contd


S1  di-hma zè-cì-dhălà?  ဒီမှာ ဈေးကြီးသလား။  Is it expensive here? 

S2  Houq-kéh nèh-nèh zè cì-ba-deh.  ဟုတ်ကဲ့၊ နဲနဲ ဈေးကြီးပါတယ်  Yes it is a bit expensive. 

S1  beh-hma zè c’o-dhălà?  ဘယ်မှာ ဈေးချိုသလား။  Where is it cheap? 

S2  èh-di-hma zè c’o-ba-deh.  အဲဒီမှာ ဈေးချိုပါတယ်  It's cheap over there. 

  Looking at restaurants     

S1  beh-hma sà mălèh?  ဘယ်မှာ စားမလဲ။  Where are you going to eat? 

S2  di-hma sà-meh.  ဒီမှာ စားမယ်။  I'm going to eat here. 

S1  bi-ya beh-hma thauq-mălèh?  ဘီယာ ဘယ်မှာ သောက်မလဲ။  Where are you going to drink beer? 

S2  èh-di-hma thauq-meh.  အဲဒီမှာ သောက်မယ်။  we're going to dring over there. 
