Burmese By Ear/Essential Myanmar Introduction to the Burmese Language John Okell

1.1. It is ..., isn't it?

4. numbers pronunciation

Pronunciation Points 

Plain T and aspirate T: 

   taùn-deh,t’aùn-deh တောင်းတယ်၊-ထောငးတယ်  to ask, to thump  

Plain N and breathed N: 

   na, hna နာ၊-နှာ sore, nose  

   niq, hniq  နစ်၊-နှစ် sink, two 

Glottal stop: 

   tiq, hniq, c’auq  တစ်၊ - နှစ်၊ - ခြောက်  one, two, six 

For a summary of the Burmese number system see Appendix 4. 
